
FPT Concierge - Personal Ordering Page

Can't find what you're looking for?

We at FPT is passionate about you and your pet's need. If there is something you can't find on our site, drop us a line at to provide us with a description of what you're looking for and we will assign a Personal Concierge to help you source the best available product at the best possible price. Drop us a line today!


Personal Ordering Page

Once your Personal Concierge have provided you your Personal Sourcing Quotation, they will setup your interested product(s) on this page with either your name or your PSQ# for you to order directly on this page. Once your order have been placed, your Personal Sourced Item will disappear from this Personal Ordering Page. We thank you for using our FPT Concierge Service and look forward to serving you again in the near future!!

Note - Sourced item are not exclusive items sold to the FPT customer who initiated the Personal Sourcing. FPT may choose to sell the sourced item to the general public through the public categorized pages at the same time or at a later date. 

* Items displayed on this page have limited details as the contents on this page are specific to FPT customers who requested our Concierge Service to source out their specific item. Please use our categorized pages for product browsing or give our Concierge Service a try. 

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